Lutheran World Relief (LWR), a U.S.-based non-profit development organization, is seeking to recruit Project Coordinator - Shelter Support to the Earthquake Affected Communities of Nepal (PC-SEACON) for ECHO funded project. The position is based in Besisahar, Lamjung District.
The core functions of the PC-SECON are to assist in the management of Shelter Support to Earthquake Affected Communities of Nepal (SEACON) ;ensure smooth relationship with partners; quality implementation of the program following procurement procedure, financial management and reporting; coordinate implementation of LWR implemented projects particularly SEACON; identifying the most relevant and effective mechanism to allow the affected families regain normalcy; documenting lessons learned, and monitoring the project implementation of partners. The role of the Project Coordinator is to ensure that the SEACON project is implemented in accordance with the approved proposal and budget and award administration agreement (MA), along with representing LWR at local HRRP meetings, DDRC, and liaising with relevant government office, local bodies of NRA and other relevant offices. The position holder should visit field on periodic basis, prepare both field visit and project progress reports and submit to LWR country office Kathmandu. The project duration is one year and the project was started from May 1, 2016.
The PC-SEACON is a member of the program team for the Earthquake Response and keeps the Director-Nepal Earthquake Response Program (Director-NERP) informed of program-related activities.
Required qualifications and core competencies:
Interested applicants should submit their application by email to: No other applications will be accepted.
Deadline: September 26, 2016. No phone calls please.
Lutheran World Relief is a non-profit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering.