Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Nepal is providing Technical Assistance (TA) to the Government of Nepal (GoN) through Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development and its Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads to implement the Decentralized Rural Infrastructure and Livelihood Project-Additional Financing (DRILP – AF) in different districts of Nepal funded by ADB, OFID and GON. On behalf of Swiss Government and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), AF - ITECO Switzerland through its Central Implementation Support Consultants (CISC) is providing TA to support the DoLIDAR Project Coordination Unit in implementing the activities of DRILP-AF at central level while at district levels through its District Implementation Support Consultants (DISCs).
In order to supplement its team, AF - ITECO, Switzerland is seeking applications from qualified and experienced Nepali Nationals for the following positions: