About The Multi Stakeholder Forestry Program
The ten-year Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP) is designed through a multi-stakeholder process to contribute to poverty reduction and tackling climate change in Nepal. It builds on the achievements of over 20 years of forestry work of the Government of Nepal (GoN) supported by the Finland, Switzerland, and UK (e.g. LFP, NSCFP). MSFP is funded jointly by the Government of Finland (GoF), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC, and UK Department for International Development (DFID). GoF, SDC and DFID have already agreed to jointly fund Nepali Rupees 4,450 million for the first four years of MSFP.
The MSFP’s main beneficiaries are rural communities of Nepal, especially poor and disadvantaged households, and those most vulnerable to climate change. MSFP explicitly targets these groups and gathers disaggregated data to assess its progress. The programme aims to bring an estimated 1.7 million people out of poverty by working with existing and new forestry groups of various kinds and creating an additional 80,000 jobs.MSFP Briefing Note.pdf