Pashchimanchal Finance Company Ltd is the first Finance Company in western region of the Nepal. PAFICOL was registered in the Office of Company Registrar on 2051.09.21 as per the provisions of Company Act and obtained license from the Nepal Rastra Bank on 2051.09.21 for operating financial transactions. As per the provision under Section 30 of the Bank and Financial Institution Act, 2063, the company has obtained license from Nepal Rastra Bank as a “C” class financial institution on 2063.01.12.
The seven storey PAFICOL building is a model piece as well gives pride to entire Butwal city. The company has head office in Sukrapath,Butwal and its branch office in Tansen (Palpa), Beni (Myagdi), Putalibazar (Shyangja) and Kamaladi (Kathmandu),Tulsipur (Dang),Kushma(Parbat),New Road (Kathmandu) and Drivertole(Shankarnagar,Rupandehi). Altogether 88 personnel have been employed in this company.
PAFICOL is committed to delivering quality service to customers, generating good return to shareholders, providing attractive incentives to employees and serving the community through stronger corporate social responsibility endeavor. Amongst the competitors, PAFICOL has been able to create distinguished identity of its own.