<span style="\"color:" rgb(77,="" 77,="" 77);="" font-family:="" \'open="" sans\',="" arial,="" lato,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" 15px;="" line-height:="" 24.75px;\"="">KlientScape Pvt. Ltd. is a business firm which specializes in setting targets and implementation to achieve set goals. Our sister companies, KlientScape Software Pvt. Ltd. and KlientScape Courier & Cargo Pvt. Ltd. specializes in their respective fields to cater for our Client's every need. We offer 'complete business solutions' to corporations, with tailored services including that of business consultancy, planning, marketing, accounting, finance and other host of services making KlientScape a truly one-stop solution. For further details, contact info@klientscape.com