
Jeevan Bikas Samaj (JBS)

Contact Info

About Jeevan Bikas Samaj (JBS)

Jeevan Bikas Samaj (JBS) is a national level NGO established in 21 September 1997 in order to improve the socio-economic and cultural circumstances of marginalized people. It is a non-partisan, non-political, non-profitable and non-religious organization serving back warded disadvantaged poor community. JBS is initiating awareness through advocacy and strengthening the leadership capability of the poor and disadvantaged groups. To improve livelihood conditions of landless, marginalized and back warded people, JBS is implementing microfinance program and providing its services to the targeted poor people. It has achieved significant outcomes in microfinance service, income generation, women empowerment, community development, human resource development, education, awareness, health and sanitation. JBS is fighting against rural poverty to fulfill its goal to make healthy rural civilization over the period of 14 years since its establishment.

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Company Information

Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location PO Box 272, Katahari-1, Morang, Nepal
Organization Size 1-10