
AWO International

Contact Info

About AWO International

AWO International was founded in 1998 as a professional association for development cooperation and humanitarian action within the framework of the German welfare organization “Arbeiterwohlfahrt” (AWO, literally: Workers’ Welfare). 

In cooperation with local partner organizations, AWO International is committed to support marginalized and disadvantaged groups of society to sustainably improve their living conditions. In crisis situations, AWO International, also in cooperation with local non-governmental organizations, quickly provides humanitarian aid to the affected population and supports the rehabilitation and reconstruction process.

Also in Germany, AWO International aims at promoting the topics of solidarity, justice, the effects of globalization and fair trade among the population. In the scope of the project “Global Learning”, we offer educational events in order to raise public awareness about global interrelations and dependencies, as well as inform about challenges and chances of globalization. Since 2007, AWO International has been promoting the idea of fair trade and offers own fairly traded and ecologically produced products.

Active Jobs By AWO International

Company Information

Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Kathmandu Nepal
Organization Size 1-10