
Aapasi Sahayog Kendra Nepal

Contact Info

About Aapasi Sahayog Kendra Nepal

ASK-Nepal (Aapasi Sahayog Kendra Nepal ) is one of the lead Non Government Organizations in Western Development Region. This is registered in District Administration Office, Syangja in 2054 BS under the organization registration act 2035 BS and the registration number is 605/054. It is also registered in Social welfare council, NGO federation Nepal and NGO Coordination Committee, Syangja.
The organization has been involved in different developmental activities such as advocacy, Good Governance, Conflict management, different type of awareness training programs, forest, veterinary & animal husbandry, bee keeping, conservation farming & other development activities. The organization is believes in rights based and participatory approach.
The organization believes on equal and active participation of women and socially excluded groups.  It focuses on rural & sustainable farming technology and commercial farming system including marketing. It also equally focuses on environmental sanitation and conservation of bio-diversity.  

Active Jobs By Aapasi Sahayog Kendra Nepal

Company Information

Industry Type NGO / INGO / Social Work
Location Bang sing VDC -9, Syangja
Organization Size 1-10